Kamis, 17 September 2009

President Obama Calls Kanye West A “Jackass”

In an “off the record” segment of Obama’s interview with CNBC, Obama commented on the Kanye West and Taylor Swift incident saying that Kanye acted like a “Jackass”. Read more and hear the actual audio of Obama slamming Kanye below.

It’s pretty bad when the President of the United States calls you a Jackass. And that’s just what happened…

Obama’s comments were caught by ABC newsman Terry Moran. Moran tweeted: “Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a ‘jackass’ for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT’S presidential.”

But because the comments were supposed to be off the record, Moran took the tweet down… but not before many people read it!

The audio was captured just before Obama’s interview with CNBC, and Obama was discussing Kanye’s antics onstage at the MTV awards and said, “I thought that was really inappropriate,” adding, “He’s a jackass.”

Immediately after his comments the President said, “Cut the President some slack.”

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